To all the brand new members of the church, quick--answer this question!
Which of the following is a member of the Godhead
- Holy Smoke
- Holy Ghost
- Holy Toledo
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To all the brand new members of the church, quick--answer this question!
Which of the following is a member of the Godhead
Posted by
Bishop Higgins
5:14 AM
Gerald Higgins - Bishop
Brother Ted Malloy - 1st counselor
Brother Garvey Evensborough II - 2nd couselor
Royal Samuelson - Executive Secratary
Tom Davis - Secratary to the Executive Secratary
Brother Alan Siepert - Ward liar
Brother Charlie Tibble - Ward gay
Mister Wiggles - Ward Dog
Does this quiz have anything to do with Batman and Robin, Bishop? Because President Kerby told us when I was a youth that that show was of the devil. And as the ward Relief Society President, I can't have you condoning that sort of smut. And we all know that women are more spiritually in tune than men, right?
i have been laughing at your blog all night. i am burning to share it and will apply it in my daily life.
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