Saturday, September 27, 2008

Royal Samuelson Calls Members of the Ward - Bake Sale

Brother Royal Samuelson, Executive Secratary, makes a call to clarify something about the ward bake sale. It's not the ward get baked sale.


Anonymous said...

oh my, I am so giddy with excitement that Executive Secratary, Brother Samuelson, has started his phone calls again. Please oh please post the old ones. I think the new comers (within the last year or so - when did you take the podcasts away?) should get to hear some of the other ones. I mean, how can you with hold the call about the conjoined twins where one said he was going to scout camp the other was not going?

John S. Shumway said...

I second that motion.

Just Me said...

The fact that Brother Samuelson felt the spirit by eating a bite of cake actually, in turn, makes ME feel the spirit.